Dr Ellis Rickwood MB ChB DRCOG MRCGP Leeds (1990)

Dr Mark Salisbury MB ChB MRCGP DRCOG DFSRH Leeds (2004)

Dr Deborah Lawrence MB, ChB, MRCGP, DRCOG (2004)

Dr Gill Kitchen MB, ChB MRCGP DRCOG DFFP (2002)

Dr Jessica JonesMB ChB, BSc, DRCOG, MRCGP

Welcome to our Practice

We look after people in Wetherby and the surrounding area. The notes that follow are designed to help you get the best out of the services we provide.

Reception opening hours

Reception opens on weekdays at 8.00am and closes at 6.00pm.


To register with the Practice please ask one of our receptionists for a registration form. You can also register with us by completing the online form via our website - www.crossleystreetsurgery.co.uk/register-with-a-gp.html. It is vital that you complete all fields on the registration form as any incomplete details may result in a delay in your registration. As soon as you have completed the registration form you will be able to book an appointment with us. If you are registering with the Practice on a permanent basis your records will automatically be sent on from your previous practice.

You have a right to express a preference to receive services from a named clinician in the practice. If you wish to do this, please inform the receptionist when you register with the practice or at any time while registered and we will make a note of this on your clinical record. Whilst we will always endeavour to honour your preference, we do however need to make it clear that in the event of an emergency we may not be able to do so.


All our GP appointments are triaged before being booked. This means that rather than calling the practice to make an appointment with a GP, you can simply go online and complete an AccuRx Triage Request. Patients who are unable to go online to do this themselves will have the option of our reception team completing a request on their behalf. In this way, all patients, whether going online, calling reception, or attending the practice in person, will have their request dealt with in the same way. There will no longer be any advantage to calling at 8am, or queueing outside the practice before we open. You can contact the surgery at any time during opening hours, and have the peace of mind that your request will be reviewed by a GP and the appropriate action will be taken.

Your request will be read and dealt with by a staff member by the end of the working day, but please be aware that there are GPs reviewing these requests throughout the day, so if your request is more urgent the GP will make sure that it is dealt with sooner. If your request is less urgent you may have to wait until later in the day to get a response but, if you do need an appointment, you will still be offered one.

If our Emergency Triage GP decides they need to see you for a same-day appointment, you should be aware that your appointment may be subject to delay if the GP subsequently has to deal with an emergency whether in the surgery or at a patient's home. In such an event you will be offered an appointment with an alternative GP although there may be a wait to seen.

In any event we always aim to keep you fully informed.


If you are unable to keep your appointment, please inform the surgery as soon as possible so that your appointment can be used for another patient.

When the surgery is closed

In the event of an emergency please ring 111. Your phone call will be answered by a trained receptionist and you will be offered either telephone advice from a doctor, a consultation at the emergency primary care centre where you can request to be seen at either Harrogate or Leeds, or a visit by a doctor.

This will be decided on medical need. Further information may be obtained from a separate leaflet on request.

TARGET training

For one afternoon each month the practice will be closed for staff and doctor training and/or further education. This is called TARGET and is a Leeds citywide scheme. During this afternoon emergencies are covered by a GP emergency service, which can be accessed by ringing 111. Posters displaying TARGET afternoon dates will be displayed in the practice.

Home visits

Home visits are for serious illnesses, and for people who are housebound. Requests for home visits can be made by telephoning the surgery.

Please telephone before 10.30am as this helps the doctor to plan their visits. The receptionist will ask for a brief description of the problem, to give the doctor some idea of the urgency of the call.

Repeat prescriptions

If your doctor agrees, you may obtain medicines by repeat prescription, for routine medications only. These may be obtained, giving 48 working hours’ notice: -

  • By completing a prescription request slip or asking the receptionist over the counter, when you are in the surgery;
  • By requesting a repeat prescription online at our website www.crossleystreetsurgery.co.uk. To use this service, you need to register with Systmonline. You can do this by calling into the surgery with photo id and speaking to one of our receptionists. You will be issued with a unique username and password so that you can access the secure site and order your prescription;
  • By posting the repeat prescription request slip (i.e. the right-hand side of your last prescription) in the prescription box in the foyer or in the normal post;
  • By requesting a repeat prescription online via the NHS App

There is also a repeat prescription collection service whereby all repeat prescriptions can be sent directly to the local chemist of your choice. Be aware that if your prescription is collected by a chemist, it can take up to 7 days from sending your prescription request to us, for it to be ready to collect from the chemist. Some chemists will send you a text message when your prescription is ready; please contact your chosen chemist to arrange this.

Results of tests

Most results are available by telephone from our receptionists after 10:30am, in certain circumstances, you may be asked to make a telephone appointment with the nurse, between 1.00–1.30pm.

If you provide us with your mobile number, our GPs can send you your test results via SMS.

The Partners

Dr Ellis Rickwood MB, ChB, MRCGP, DRCOG

GMC No. 3499423

… qualified from Leeds in 1990. He specialises in musculoskeletal/sports medicine and has a particular interest in joint injections.

Dr Mark Salisbury MB, ChB, MRCGP, DRCOG, DFSRH

GMC No. 6099166

... qualified from Leeds in 2004. He has a special interest in hypertension and joint injections, and is also a GP trainer monitoring the progress and education of our GP registrars.

Dr Deborah Lawrence MB, ChB, MRCGP, DRCOG

GMC No. 6103207

... qualified from London in 2004 and works three days a week. Her special interests are Women's health and Diabetes.


GMC No. 6052728

... qualified from Leicester in 2002. She currently works three days a week and is one of our Palliative Care leads and also runs the Dementia Clinic.

Dr Jessica JonesMB ChB, BSc, DRCOG, MRCGP

GMC No. 7013951

... qualified from The University of Bristol in 2007 and currently works three and a half days a week.

Please note: The practice is not a limited partnership

Our Practice team

Dr Sarah Fraser MB, ChB, MRCGP, DCH, DFFP

… is a salaried GP. She qualified from Bristol in 1990. She is part-time, working four sessions a week.

Dr Zandra Quinn BMSc, MBChB, DRCOG, DFFP

… is a salaried GP. She qualified from Dundee in 1995. She is part-time, working three days a week.

Dr Jessica Jones MB ChB, BSc, DRCOG, MRCGP

… is a salaried GP. She qualified from Bristol in 2007 and currently works three days a week.

Dr Emma Rivers MBChB, MRCPCH

… qualified from Birmingham in 2010 and currently works full time. 

Dr Ruth Hodges MbCHb, MRCGP

… qualified from Leeds in 2008 and currently works 3 days a week. 

Dr Steph Bellamy MbChB, BSc (Hons), MRCGP

… qualified from St Andrews and Manchester in 2014 and currently works 3 days a week. 

Dr Sophie Bennett MbChb, Bsc(hons), MRCP, MRCGP

… qualified from Leeds in 2012 and currently works 3 days a week. 

Dr Jonathan Thompson BMedSci, MBBS

… qualified from Nottingham in 2009 and currently works 3 days a week. 

Dr Matthew Pennick BM BS

… qualified from Nottingham in 2010 and currently works 3 days a week. 

Doctors in Training (GP Registrars)

The practice is approved for GP training. Fully qualified doctors with at least 2 years’ experience in hospital medicine will be in the practice to gain experience of general practice. Part of this training may include video tape consultations to aid analysis of the doctors consulting technique. You may be offered an appointment to see a GP Registrar or you may be asked to consent to videotaping of your consultation. You are under no obligation to participate in this if you prefer not to.

Our Practice Nurses

Practice nurses are available from Monday to Friday during surgery hours for appointments. They can help you with blood pressure checks, dressings, minor injuries, immunisations, family planning advice, travel advice, cervical smears, general health checks, dietary advice, routine blood/urine tests, and chronic disease monitoring.

Sister Sharon Lax

… joined the practice in 2006 and became nurse manager in 2017. She works part time undertaking the full range of treatment room procedures and is trained in all long-term conditions.

Sister Sarah Hayes

… joined the practice in 2017. She works three days a week undertaking treatment room procedures.

Sister Lyndsay Savery

… joined the practice in 2019. She works part time three days a week undertaking treatment room procedures.

Sister Sarah Rushforth

… joined the practice in 2020. She works part time three days a week undertaking treatment room procedures.

Healthcare Assistants: Debbie Kaye, Rusty Ripley, and Andrea Pallister

Our Healthcare Assistants provide a support service to the nursing team and can take blood, take your blood pressure, perform ECGs and other support services.

Our Administrative Team

Practice Manager

Our Practice Manager, Sarah-Jayne Martin, carries out a wide variety of duties helping the doctors to run the practice efficiently. If you have any queries, suggestions or problems please address them to the Practice Manager.

Senior Administrative Staff

Our Practice Manager has a number of assistants, who help with the day to day running of the practice, including finance, operations, IT, and data quality.


Our receptionists have a demanding and difficult job.  They will always attempt to deal with your request as efficiently as possible, though this can occasionally take some time. Please be patient, especially at busier times.


Secretaries and Administrators are a vital part of our team and deal with an ever-increasing volume of administrative work.


We have an in-house pharmacist called Richard Laybourn. You may book a telephone consultation with Richard to get assistance with medication queries or prescription alignment.

The Primary Health Care team

The doctors work in close contact with district nurses, district midwives and health visitors. If you think you need home nursing care, please ask your doctor. In addition to these staff a wide range of other health care professionals contribute to the services provided in the surgery and the community.

Services available

  • Maternity care

The midwife and doctors run antenatal clinics by appointment. The midwife makes routine home visits after the baby is born. The doctor makes a full postnatal check between 6 and 8 weeks.

  • Child health surveillance

Clinics are held on Monday and Thursday afternoons for development checks and immunisations by appointment. 

  • Family Planning

We are happy to provide family planning advice and offer a full contraceptive service, including coil and implant fitting.

  • Immunisations

We think it is very important that everyone, especially children, are fully immunised against serious infections.  If you think that you or your children are not fully covered, please ask the doctor or nurse who are happy to advice.

Other specialist clinics

  • NHS Health Checks

The NHS Health Check scheme is a national initiative whereby patients between the ages of 40 and 74 are invited to their GP practices for a series of health checks, including blood pressure and blood tests. If you are in this age range, you will receive an appointment for such a Health Check.

  • Coronary Heart Disease

Clinics are held for review of patients with heart disease.  These are held by our practice nurses and supported by a doctor.

  • Diabetes

Clinics are held by our practice nurses and supported by a doctor.

  • Asthma & COPD Clinics

Several of our practice nurses have special training in this area of medicine and hold weekly clinics for Asthma & COPD.  If you have asthma or COPD it is important to have regular reviews. Please make an appointment at reception.

  • Travel Advice

Our nurses provide up-to-date advice on vaccinations and illness avoidance for overseas travel. Please note: recommendations change all the time, do not assume you are covered. We only offer travel vaccinations which are available on the NHS. For up to date travel information please visit our website.

  • Memory Support Clinic

This GP-led clinic, which is held every other Wednesday morning, is for patients who have been diagnosed with dementia.

  • Linking Leeds

Linking Leeds is a Social Prescribing service for people in Leeds, which works in partnership with primary care to navigate people to relevant services and support groups within the community. For more information visit our website.

  • Well Woman

Appointments are available with your own doctor or a female doctor to receive advice on womens’ health matters including contraception and the menopause.  Routine smears are undertaken by the Practice Nurse.

  • Warfarin Clinic

Those patients on Warfarin tablets who require regular blood tests can have them done at the practice in a specific clinic on Friday mornings. Please note that appointments for this particular clinic are arranged by the hospital.

Non– NHS services

Many services are not covered by the NHS and a fee will be charged for providing them. A list of BMA approved fees is on display on the surgery notice board.  These services include;

  • Insurance medicals
  • Certificates for holiday cancellation
  • Completion of private claim forms (e.g. Spire/PPA)
  • Private sick notes
  • Private prescriptions

Additional information

Patient Participation Group

Crossley Street Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a partnership between patients of Crossley Street Surgery and the doctors, medical workers and administrative staff who look after our wellbeing. The aim of this group is to encourage a positive working relationship between patients and surgery staff.

The group acts as a link between the practice and our patients to ensure best use of facilities, and the organisation of policies which reflects our patients’ views. For more information, please visit our website.

Change of Name/Address

If you change your name, address or telephone number please let us know in order to keep our records accurate.  If you move out of the area you should register with another doctor.

Complaints Procedure

It is the intention of Crossley Street Surgery to provide a high standard of care; however, there may unfortunately be times when you feel this has not happened.

If you have concerns please raise them immediately by speaking to any member of the practice e.g. a doctor, nurse, receptionist or the Practice Manager. We will always take any concerns you raise seriously and will try to resolve your concerns there and then.

If your concern has not been dealt with satisfactorily and you want to continue with your complaint you can do this orally or in writing (including e-mail) to Anita Hampson, Practice Manager. Further details are available in our complaints leaflet which you can find on our patient notice board, website or you can ask for a copy at reception.

Access to Patient Information

All GPs and staff working in this practice who have a responsibility for your care have access to your clinical patient record. Patients have their rights safeguarded by the Data Protection Act and everyone working for the NHS has a legal duty to keep information about you confidential.

We may use the information we hold about you for other reasons apart from managing your care e.g. to help protect the health of the public generally or for training purposes. Also, the law may require us to pass on information e.g. to notify a birth or death.

You may be receiving care from other people outside of the NHS and so that we can work for your benefit we may need to share some information about you. We only use, or pass on, information about you if people have a genuine need for it and it is in everyone’s best interest. The sharing of some types of very sensitive personal information is strictly controlled by law.

You also have a right of access to your own health records. For information on how you can apply for access please ask at reception or contact our Practice Manager.

Our privacy policy, which explains how we collect, use, and look after your data is available on our website.

Disabled Access

The surgery is purpose built and accessible to disabled patients. There is a disabled toilet and lift in the building and reserved parking. A wheelchair is available for use in the reception area.

Patient’s Rights and Responsibilities

The practice complies with the Patients Charter which is available to view via our website. As a courtesy we would expect patients to keep appointment times and inform us if they are unable to keep a booked appointment. If a patient arrives more than 10 minutes late, they may be asked to re-book.

Violence and abusive behaviour

The practice follows an NHS policy of zero tolerance regarding violence and abusive behaviour towards its doctors, staff and persons present on the premises. Any violent or abusive behaviour will be taken seriously, and you may be requested to leave the practice. Any incident will be fully investigated, and the decision may be made to remove you permanently from the practice list in line with PMS agreement regulations 2004, schedule 5, paragraph 19.

Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group Partnership

Crossley Street Surgery and the Wetherby locality is part of NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB).

Useful Numbers

NHS Hospitals


Harrogate District Hospital

01423 885 959

St. James's University Hospital

0113 243 3144

Leeds General Infirmary

0113 243 2799


Private Hospitals


BMI Duchy (Harrogate)

01423 567 136

Spire Health (Leeds)

0113 269 3939

Nuffield (Leeds)

0113 388 2000


Local Chemists


Boots, Horsefair Centre

01937 581 676

Day Lewis, Wetherby

01937 582 182

Village Pharmacy, Collingham

01937 572 388




Out of Hours Emergency Service


Wetherby Health Centre

01937 522 777

WiSE (Wetherby in Support of the Elderly)

01937 588 994

Leeds City Council Contact Centre (for Social Services)

0113 398 4702

Crossley Street Surgery
Crossley Street
West Yorkshire
LS22 6RT
01937 543 200     

Surgery hours
8.00am - 6.00pm

How to find us


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