The Accessible Information Standard is a new ‘information standard’ for implementation

by all organisations that provide NHS or adult social care.


It aims to ensure that people who have a disability or sensory loss receive information that they can access and understand, for example in large print, or via email, and professional communication support if they need it, for example from a British Sign Language interpreter.

Individuals most likely to be affected by the Standard include people who are blind or d/Deaf, who have some hearing or visual loss, people who are deafblind, and people with a learning disability. However, this list is not exhaustive.

If you have information or communication needs relating to a disability, impairment or sensory loss, or if you are a parent or carer for someone who has such information or communication needs, please ask reception for a Communication Needs form and we will ensure that your needs are recorded.

Crossley Street Surgery
Crossley Street
West Yorkshire
LS22 6RT
01937 543 200     

Surgery hours
8.00am - 6.00pm

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